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Kayla Rose Schlieman.

August 27, 2003

Weight: 16 lbs. 9 oz.

Length: 26 inches

As you can see, I have doubled my weight since birth at 4 months. Mom and Dad think I am heavy to carry around, but that's okay. I need to get all the free time of doing nothing and being carried around, since I am sure that they will make me walk every where once that happens.

Mom fed me a few spoonfuls of cereal, but don't know what to think about that. At least she hasn't tried it again, but may be I shouldn't speak to soon.

I like to suck on my thumb, mom keeps putting this pacifer in my mouth, but I just keep spitting it out. Doesn't taste as good as my thumb. I love to look around and grab a hold of things and of course put them in my mouth. My favorite thing is giving my big brother, Kyle a big wet kiss on the mouth, he says yuck!

I was baptised on July 6. My godmothers are my also my Aunts, Kim Patteson and Becky Schlieman.

Stayed tuned for more things that I learn as I grow up.