Tuesday, February 28th

I drew this retarded thing today

music: none
mood: arty

022806 (89k image)

Will ink tomorrow. Maybe.
PikaPikaChick on 02.28.06 @ 09:25 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

You had to be there

music: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Breaking The Girl
mood: eh

Every once in a while I can think something really funny. Take, for instance, the stream of thought I had this morning on my drive to work. I realize that this is completely out of context, but bear with me.

Chris Cornell: he's like Midas, only everything he touches turns to boring.

Anyway, I thought it was funny. Guess you had to be there.
PikaPikaChick on 02.28.06 @ 09:43 AM CST [link] [No Comments]

Thursday, February 23rd

I drew this retarded thing today

music: none
mood: arty

060223 (69k image)

Same character, but this time I drew it with my eyes open.

No, actually I drew him 6 heads high as opposed to my usual 5. It's hard to get the anatomy right with only 5 heads. The feet look better, but his arms look too tree trunk-y. I didn't spend as much time as I should on his shorts so they look completely flat and starched. I know his muscles look odd when they're inked like that and completely not anatomically correct.

Hey, cut me some slack. It's just a damn sketch.
PikaPikaChick on 02.23.06 @ 08:59 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

Excuse me?

music: none
mood: angry

This made me furious: Microsoft: Upgraded Motherboard = New Windows License

Who came up with this idea? It seems to me that they should be licensing based on the number of bootable hard disks in a system. I'm so flabbergasted I don't even know what to say here.

Money-grubbing assholes, the lot of ya.
PikaPikaChick on 02.23.06 @ 09:42 AM CST [link] [No Comments]

Wednesday, February 22nd

I drew this retarded thing today

music: none
mood: arty

060222 (123k image)

I'm really bad at hands and feet. Getting better at hands. My therapist in high school told me I had trouble drawing hands and feet because of family problems. That guy was such a quack. I was actually thinking of him this morning on my way to work. My "therapy sessions" would be me sitting in the chair crying while he read my journal. There was very little discussion at all. What a waste of time. I wonder if he did that with all his patients or if my session was his lunch break.
PikaPikaChick on 02.22.06 @ 08:56 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

I'm such a girl sometimes

music: none
mood: like, OMG

I was scanning Google Images for reference pictures of guys with fauxhawks for a character I'm creating and before I knew it, this was my laptop's desktop wallpaper.

Must be the fever.
PikaPikaChick on 02.22.06 @ 04:38 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

Tuesday, February 21st

I drew this retarded thing today

music: none
mood: arty

060221 (62k image)
PikaPikaChick on 02.21.06 @ 08:06 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

Monday, February 20th

Thank gods I'm awake

music: none
mood: relieved

Dreamed I was enlisted in the Navy, and not of my own accord. I was waiting to find out if I was going to be deployed or not.

PikaPikaChick on 02.20.06 @ 07:40 AM CST [link] [No Comments]

Wednesday, February 15th

Best Valentine's Day Dinner EVER

music: Hot Water Music - Trusty Chords
mood: good

All week Dan hasn't told me what we were doing for Valentine's Day. I knew that we were staying in but I didn't know what the dinner plans were.

I got home last night, prosecco and movie in hand, to the most wonderful but mystifying aroma. The dining room was romanced-up with candles and a big bouquet of roses. And there on the table was our meal: White Castle sliders and crinkle fries.


I love my husband so much.

I gave him a book on Irish history and volume 1 of Aqua Teen Hunger Force. We watched The Corpse Bride. We ate chocolate fondue. It was good.
PikaPikaChick on 02.15.06 @ 09:34 AM CST [link] [No Comments]

Tuesday, February 14th

I want to paint my house like this

music: Cowboy Mouth - Jenny Says
mood: blank

Insanely painted optical illusion rooms

PikaPikaChick on 02.14.06 @ 09:11 AM CST [link] [No Comments]

Now this is just brilliant

music: Meat Puppets - Backwater
mood: amused

Garfield is actually funny when you take out Garfield's dialogue
PikaPikaChick on 02.14.06 @ 07:54 AM CST [link] [No Comments]

Monday, February 13th


music: NoFx - You Put Your Chocolate In My Peanut Butter
mood: Swoony

I nearly cried
PikaPikaChick on 02.13.06 @ 09:16 AM CST [link]

Friday, February 10th

It's Friday again

music: none
mood: caffeinated

The Friday Five

1. Do you believe in God or a higher power?
I subscribe to "The All" theory of higher power. I believe that there is a higher power but we as humans cannot even begin to comprehend it so we break it down into various gods for digestion. I am Pagan, that is to say, polytheistic.

2. Are good and evil just concepts, or real powers in the universe?
I'm not sure good and evil have finite beginnings or ends, but I'm quite sure that there are an infinite shades of gray between them. It's also completely relative.

3. What is your view on forgiveness?
I don't think I've ever not forgiven someone for something. If you can't forgive, you will rot yourself from the inside.

4. Do organized religions do more harm than good?
I do think they do more harm than good. Organized religion does not encourage free thought, but rather squash it down. Groups of sheep-like people are extremely dangerous. Look at the Nazis.

5. If you had a day to spend playing God, what would you do?
Find a way to restore balance.


Friday Fiver

1. Can you dance?
Not especially.

2. Who is your current crush?
My husband, of course. Then there's Jessica Alba, but only when she's not blonde.

3. Tell us about a dream you remember.
See my blog entry from 2/8/06.

4. Do you live with anyone, or do you live by yourself?
I live with my husband, two dogs, two cats, and a parakeet.

5. When is the last time you bled from an injury?
Tuesday when I was tattooed.
PikaPikaChick on 02.10.06 @ 04:34 PM CST [link]

All ye inconsiderate assholes

music: none
mood: caffeinated

If you have small offspring who do not have an internal volume switch yet, DON'T FUCKING BRING THEM TO A COFFEE SHOP YOU RUDE ASSWIPES.

People go to coffeehouses to relax, drink coffee, eat pastries or semi-gourmet cafe food, read, study, or talk quietly amongst themselves in an intimate setting.

We don't want to hear your kid's take on how to play checkers at a volume that would be unacceptable in the aisles of a Wal-Mart, let alone a small coffee shop.

Bring your spawn to a goddamn Chuck-E-Cheese and let me study in peace.

I had just bought my coffee. I had just cracked my Exam Cram book open and was trying to digest the difference between sets and volumes when Buffy and Trent and their hellspawn sideshow arrived. I tried to put up with it. I tried plugging my ears. But I couldn't get past even one practice question. I thought about saying something. I thought about dumping my coffee on their heads. But I picked up and left.

I relocated to a different coffee shop. I bought new coffee. I even asked one of the owners of that shop if I was being unreasonable. She agreed with me. I feel vindicated.
PikaPikaChick on 02.10.06 @ 04:03 PM CST [link]

Thursday, February 9th

Here it is

music: TV
mood: cold

02-08-06_2108 (142k image)

02-08-06_2109 (106k image)

Not such great pictures. Sorry. You can't really see the wolf head that well but you can see the giraffe. I can't wait until it all blends in with my old one.

Ink courtesy of Yetti at Electric Dragonland.
PikaPikaChick on 02.09.06 @ 09:44 PM CST [link]

Wednesday, February 8th

Lost in translation

music: Bloodwilltell - New November
mood: ow

Got my tattoo last night. Pictures later.

The real reason I'm writing is because of the dream I had last night. I must have been single and moving back in with my parents or something because I was cleaning out the closet of my old bedroom. I kept smelling dead flesh. The smell was very real to me. I moved some things aside and discovered....... bunnies!

Dead bunnies.

Dead and half-dead, actually. There was a mean mother bunny trying to protect her babies and she was leaping up at me and my dad and biting us. They were all biting us a little bit with all the strength they could muster in their half-dead state as we were picking them up to dispose of them.

My dad's plan to get rid of them? Open the window and toss them outside into a huge shredder. Like one of those giant shredders they use to turn big trees into mulch.

I couldn't do it. Of course. I just can't kill things like that even if they're half-dead already or mean and protective.

One of the weirdest parts was when I found a deformed bunny. Remember Cy, the cyclops kitten? Now picture a baby bunny with the same affliction. I made sure to borrow my parents' camera to document the discovery.

And then I woke up.
PikaPikaChick on 02.08.06 @ 07:37 AM CST [link]

Friday, February 3rd

It's taking forever to image these computers

music: none
mood: impatient

Friday Fiver

1. Any plans to watch the Super Bowl?
We will be at my parents' house this Sunday and I will probably be cooking something and I might catch a commercial or two but no, I have no plans to actually watch football. I might just pop upstairs and do our taxes instead.

2. Friday or Saturday: Which is a better date night?
Saturday. I'm usually so exhausted from work that I have trouble keeping my eyes open past 9:30 PM.

3. Do you do anything special on the weekends that you don't do during the week?
We'll go up to Duluth from time to time. Usually if I drink at all it's on the weekend.

4. Where do you get your news from?
NBC, ABC, whatever headline catches my eye on my My Yahoo page.

5. Kevin, Norm, Colin, Jimmy, Tina or Amy?
I completely missed the boat on this one. I assume this is in reference to some TV show that I don't watch. I'm going to change the question to "what would you rather name your child." I vote Colin. I know a really funny guy named Colin.


Alt Friday 5

1. Rain: hate it? Love it? Indifferent?
Love it. I sleep the best when I can hear rain falling. I really like wild thunderstorms too.

2. Relate an interesting story from your life involving rain (e.g. a big storm, a romantic walk in the rain, etc.).
I remember running in the summer rain with a friend in college along the Kinnickinnic River. Good times. That river is the only reason I would ever visit that town again.

3. How much does it usually rain where you live? Is that too much for you? Not enough? Just right?
Depends on the year. Sometimes it rains a ton, sometimes hardly at all. I like more sun than rain.

4. Is it raining right now where you are? If yes, what kind of rain is it?
We've got light snow today.

5. Tell us your favourite song lyric with "rain" in it (or any lyric that comes to mind, if you can't pick a "favourite").
Don't you think that you need somebody
Don't you think that you need someone
Everybody needs somebody
You're not the only one
You're not the only one

(Cue epic guitar solo)

PikaPikaChick on 02.03.06 @ 10:56 AM CST [link]

Thunder thighs

music: none
mood: strong

I have this Pilates DVD that routinely kicks my ass. The whole time I'm attempting this stuff I'm whining, groaning, and swearing at the contortionist on the screen. Seriously, my body just doesn't do that. I'll do it once, maybe two times in a week and then I'll give up because afterwards I feel like some kid in karate lessons has used my rib cage as a punching bag.

This is how I felt yesterday after doing pilates on Wednesday, and this is also how I feel today. I have got to just suck it up and do it again tonight. If I'm going to try out for the MN RollerGirls in August I had just better get rolling on my diet and exercise plan. Some people may go for the zaftig look, but it's just not what I'm going for.

My diet and exercise plan is this:

  1. Eat less for fuck's sake.
  2. Exercise more.

It's not much but it's a start.

Part of me just wants to say, "Screw this and society's image of what my body should look like! You don't need to bow to supermodel pressures and advertising exec ideals! You go grrrl!"

Then my knees are like, "Nooooooooooooo! and my back is all, "Hurrrrrgh!", and I'm like, "Ehhhh." And then I give in and eat nothing but ramen until I can fit into my skinny jeans again.
PikaPikaChick on 02.03.06 @ 10:13 AM CST [link]

Thursday, February 2nd

I'm so in

music: Fastball - The Way
mood: better


MN RollerGirls.

This Saturday.

Roy Wilkins.

Downtown St. Paul.

I will be volunteering. I might be handing out stuff or setting up stuff. I will also be sucking up hardcore so I can have a shot on a team.

PikaPikaChick on 02.02.06 @ 03:47 PM CST [link]

Cloud 9 For Nerds

music: none
mood: full

Since the person we offered a help desk position to turned it down in favor of another company who is paying her a crazy amount of money, I get to keep my current computer setup: two 19" flatscreen monitors side-by-side, each at 1280x1024 resolution.
PikaPikaChick on 02.02.06 @ 12:51 PM CST [link]