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02/08/2006: "Lost in translation"

music: Bloodwilltell - New November
mood: ow

Got my tattoo last night. Pictures later.

The real reason I'm writing is because of the dream I had last night. I must have been single and moving back in with my parents or something because I was cleaning out the closet of my old bedroom. I kept smelling dead flesh. The smell was very real to me. I moved some things aside and discovered....... bunnies!

Dead bunnies.

Dead and half-dead, actually. There was a mean mother bunny trying to protect her babies and she was leaping up at me and my dad and biting us. They were all biting us a little bit with all the strength they could muster in their half-dead state as we were picking them up to dispose of them.

My dad's plan to get rid of them? Open the window and toss them outside into a huge shredder. Like one of those giant shredders they use to turn big trees into mulch.

I couldn't do it. Of course. I just can't kill things like that even if they're half-dead already or mean and protective.

One of the weirdest parts was when I found a deformed bunny. Remember Cy, the cyclops kitten? Now picture a baby bunny with the same affliction. I made sure to borrow my parents' camera to document the discovery.

And then I woke up.