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02/03/2006: "Thunder thighs"

music: none
mood: strong

I have this Pilates DVD that routinely kicks my ass. The whole time I'm attempting this stuff I'm whining, groaning, and swearing at the contortionist on the screen. Seriously, my body just doesn't do that. I'll do it once, maybe two times in a week and then I'll give up because afterwards I feel like some kid in karate lessons has used my rib cage as a punching bag.

This is how I felt yesterday after doing pilates on Wednesday, and this is also how I feel today. I have got to just suck it up and do it again tonight. If I'm going to try out for the MN RollerGirls in August I had just better get rolling on my diet and exercise plan. Some people may go for the zaftig look, but it's just not what I'm going for.

My diet and exercise plan is this:

  1. Eat less for fuck's sake.
  2. Exercise more.

It's not much but it's a start.

Part of me just wants to say, "Screw this and society's image of what my body should look like! You don't need to bow to supermodel pressures and advertising exec ideals! You go grrrl!"

Then my knees are like, "Nooooooooooooo! and my back is all, "Hurrrrrgh!", and I'm like, "Ehhhh." And then I give in and eat nothing but ramen until I can fit into my skinny jeans again.