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Friends of Bassett Creek
And Their
Watershed Restoration Efforts
The Friends of Bassett Creek watershed restoration efforts are at this time focused mainly in Minneapolis, Minnesota with a vision to create a vibrant urban green space in the Bassett Creek corridor and improve the water quality of this Mississippi River tributary.
Friends of Bassett Creek was formed in 1994 to help coordinate creek issues primarily in the Bryn Mawr and Harrison neighborhoods of Minneapolis. Our activities include or have included:
- Help to facilitate an annual trash clean-up along and in the creek.
- Facilitated Stenciling of messages on street drains: "Don’t Dump - Drains to Bassett Creek".
- Contributed to the research, writing and publishing of informational brochure "Urban Watershed Profile: A Look at Bassett Creek".
- Contributed to the research, writing and publishing of informational brochure, "Rain Gardens: Gardening With Water Quality in Mind".
- Host website of the raingarden brochure in digital format .
- Designed, funded manufacture, and coordinated installation of street signs "You Are In The Bassett Creek Watershed".
- Maintain a Friends of Bassett Creek web site.
- Facilitate an e-mail web discussion forum about Bassett Creek issues and Friends of Bassett Creek organization issues at http://www.yahoogroups.com/group/bassettcreek .
The Friends of Bassett Creek is interested in working with other agencies with the replanting of native trees, shrubs, forbs and grasses along the creek corridor. FBC is very interested in seeing the polluted sites along the creek remediated. Interests also include trying to find ways to encourage area property owners to reduce runoff pollution with techniques such as rain gardens. Restoration of creek natural features such as meandering, flood plains, adjacent wetlands, and daylighting of buried sections is of great interest. Friends of Bassett Creek is trying to play a role as a "voice for the creek" in government planning processes involved in our area.
Friends of Bassett Creek envisions a restored Bassett Creek that provides a clean water source to the Mississippi River. We also strive for a revitalized, replanted creek corridor that provides habitat for wildlife and recreation opportunities for local families. If you would like to become involved in helping us achieve this vision for a restored Bassett Creek in Minneapolis, please get in touch with us.
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Content © Friends
of Bassett Creek; email: bassett.creek@hotmail.com ; page originally
created by Gabe
last update 006apr28