Friday, December 29th


music: the screaming in my head
mood: ARGH

Google, you nearly gave me a heart attack.

There must have been some kind of account hiccup because I couldn't sign on to Gmail to save my life for about a half an hour. I honestly thought my account had been hacked. The secondary email account I pointed Google to a million years ago for password recovery has long since died on Hotmail. I really thought I was fucked. EVERYTHING goes into my Gmail account. EVERYTHING.


But now it's fine. My password works just great. No hacks here.

Now I must go slam this gin & tonic and lie down for a while.
PikaPikaChick on 12.29.06 @ 09:21 PM CST [link]

Nice job!

music: David Gray?
mood: waking up

We went bowling with Scott, Heidi, Dave, and Jessica last night at the newly revamped Nokomis Lanes. You know, the one on Bloomington with the sweet new mural.

Well done, new owners! They fixed up the outside, expanded the menu, and took out the hard liquor.

Weirdness of the evening:
Down on our end of the lanes there was an extremely large man in a shirt that didn't quite fit (it was disturbing) sitting in front of a karaoke machine by himself singing away. We assumed he was The Karaoke Guy, the guy that brings in the equipment, gets you set up, and sings on it when no one is brave enough. At one point there was a lady who went up there and sang with him, but during the 2.5 hours we were there he was pretty much doing solos full time. As we were leaving we were talking to the lady at the counter. We learned that he was not, in fact, The Karaoke Guy, but rather just Some Random Guy who had been there since 6:00 that evening. He started off with a group for a party, then the party left and he stayed right there glued to that chair with the mic in his hand.

Rock on, obese karaoke dude, rock on.

And yay -- I hit 100 on my second game. I think that's only the second time in my life I've scored three digits.

Is it weird to be sore in the inner thighs after a night of bowling?
PikaPikaChick on 12.29.06 @ 09:15 AM CST [link]

Wednesday, December 27th

I just read the most hideous thing

music: KT Tunstall
mood: grossed out

10 Foods that Are Health Horrors

Suddenly that orange that I've been avoiding for two days now is looking mighty appealing.
PikaPikaChick on 12.27.06 @ 02:02 PM CST [link]

Tuesday, December 26th

A reminder to the Internets

mood: TIRED

Loose: for example, "My belt is loose."
Lose: for example, "I am going to lose my mind if one more ignorant asshole confuses 'loose' with 'lose'."
PikaPikaChick on 12.26.06 @ 04:35 PM CST [link]

Thursday, December 21st

Might I be...

music: Evanescence
mood: goofy

...the 8000th person to remark about Sven Sundgaard's hotness?

I mean, dang.
PikaPikaChick on 12.21.06 @ 02:26 PM CST [link]

Wednesday, December 20th

Cue piercing shriek of horror

mood: horrified

Of all the things I didn't want to know, moths that have a barbed proboscis with which to penetrate bird eyelids in order to drink their tears is right up there.

And if that wasn't enough, how about fungi "erupting" from the heads of zombie ants?
PikaPikaChick on 12.20.06 @ 12:58 PM CST [link]

Monday, December 18th


mood: weird

I have this thing for vintage aprons. I have a bunch of them and until I find a way to properly display them I am wearing a couple on a regular basis.

I am currently lusting after this. If it's still there after the holidays I'm going to have to make my move.
PikaPikaChick on 12.18.06 @ 01:01 PM CST [link]

Friday, December 15th

Friday Fiver

music: Prince - Batdance
mood: full

1. First kiss?
The second time Dan and I dated. It was nighttime. The moon was out. We were sitting on a park bench looking at Sunset Lake. Aww.

2. Underwater swimming or skydiving?
Underwater swimming with scuba gear, preferably. A snorkle is good too.

3. Careful as you cross the street or never look both ways?
Extremely careful.

4. Ketchup: a vegetable?

5. Underwear - optional?
Depends on what you're wearing. I have a pair of jeans that I cannot wear unless I go commando. Take a lesson from Britney Spears, folks. Skirt + no undies = horrifying.
PikaPikaChick on 12.15.06 @ 01:02 PM CST [Friday Fiver">link]

Rosie O'Donnell: barometer for the rest of the country?

music: George Michael
mood: Disappointed

Rosie O'Donnell "ching chongs" herself into a pickle

This is the first I've heard of this. It should probably be getting more press. Anyway, here's the offending quote...

"You know, you can imagine in China it's like `ching chong, ching chong chong, Danny DeVito, ching chong chong chong, drunk, "The View," ching chong,'"

This bothers me. It bothers me as much as people using the term "oriental" to describe Asians. Yes Rosie, I was in fact teased on the playground by white kids slanting their eyes with their fingers and sing-songing "ching chong!" at me. And I'm only half Korean. The full Asian kids probably got it worse.

That was only about 20 years ago. I wonder how much people have changed. It's absolutely unacceptable to use the "n-word" but it just doesn't seem quite as bad as "g**k," "ch*nk," "sp*c," or even "cracker" for that matter. What goes on in people's heads unspoken? How much is actually spoken these days? I try not to notice.

I actually had to tell a co-worker that "oriental" isn't acceptable anymore. It made me second-guess myself. I'm not second-guessing anymore.
PikaPikaChick on 12.15.06 @ 10:22 AM CST [link]

Thursday, December 14th

Religion, the saving of

music: various
mood: headachey

Good editorial by Jay Bakker and Marc Brown over at CNN:

What The Hell Happened To Christianity?

I agree 100% with these guys. This is the side of Christianity that seems to have been shoved into a dirty little corner. Why? Money and politics, I suppose.

I don't have a problem with Christianity on a grand scale. Jesus had some pretty great ideas about how to live your life. Christians who want to try to emulate him are fantastic people.

It's the Christians who try to emulate the Church (that cold, hateful institution) that I have a problem with. I still don't think that large groups of people being forced to obey a small group of people is ever a good idea -- in religion or politics. Just a few silver-tongued backwards people can somehow convince a mob of thousands that hate and discrimination is, in fact, an OK thing to do. Obviously, this goes for any organized religion.

I'd like to think that there are more Christians like Jay Bakker and Marc Brown out there. I wish you folks would stand up to the closed-minded conservatives once and for all before something really stupid happens in this country.

Might I offer some suggestions to conservatives with time on their hands and hate on their brains?

  • Instead of picketing your local abortion or family planning clinic, why not organize a community program to benefit a local orphanage?
  • Instead of protesting at a gay rights event, why not volunteer at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter?
  • Instead of bible thumping atop a milk crate on a street corner, why not become a Big Brother or Big Sister to an at-risk youth?
  • Instead of writing hateful letters to the editor, why not learn to knit or crochet and use your free time making scarves, hats, and mittens for low income immigrant children?
  • Instead of generally being a dick to your fellow human beings, why not volunteer at a woman's shelter? Community center? Red Cross? Donate blood? Organize a fundraiser to help the thousands of Katrina victims who are still displaced and struggling?
    PikaPikaChick on 12.14.06 @ 11:44 AM CST [link]

  • Happy Holidays!

    music: Brother Ali - Room With A View
    mood: amused

    Consider this my Christmas card to all of you.
    PikaPikaChick on 12.14.06 @ 09:00 AM CST [link]

    Friday, December 8th

    I'm no math whiz, but...

    mood: astonished

    Verizon Doesn't Know Difference Between Dollars And Cents

    My brain bleeds.

    Go here and Digg that shit. Someone needs to take Verizon to task on this one.
    PikaPikaChick on 12.08.06 @ 12:45 PM CST [link]

    Wednesday, December 6th


    music: Elton John - Rocket Man
    mood: sick

    Saw a couple of movies recently:

    2001: A Space Odyssey
    I listened to the audiobook a few months ago and I've been salivating over the chance to see this movie since then. Maybe, just maybe, it would make the book's ending make more sense. Uhh, no.

    OH DUDE. This is a FANTASTIC movie. Yeah, the plot's a bit thin. But it completely doesn't matter because the visuals are like crack. I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. I just kept waiting for my next fix... and I kept getting it. LOVED the ending. Hee hee... "What?" HA! GO SEE THIS MOVIE NOW.
    PikaPikaChick on 12.06.06 @ 11:27 AM CST [link]

    Tuesday, December 5th

    This makes me laugh like nothing else

    music: Operation Ivy - The Crowd
    mood: amused

    Kids scared of Santa
    PikaPikaChick on 12.05.06 @ 01:31 PM CST [link]