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12/29/2006: "Nice job!"

music: David Gray?
mood: waking up

We went bowling with Scott, Heidi, Dave, and Jessica last night at the newly revamped Nokomis Lanes. You know, the one on Bloomington with the sweet new mural.

Well done, new owners! They fixed up the outside, expanded the menu, and took out the hard liquor.

Weirdness of the evening:
Down on our end of the lanes there was an extremely large man in a shirt that didn't quite fit (it was disturbing) sitting in front of a karaoke machine by himself singing away. We assumed he was The Karaoke Guy, the guy that brings in the equipment, gets you set up, and sings on it when no one is brave enough. At one point there was a lady who went up there and sang with him, but during the 2.5 hours we were there he was pretty much doing solos full time. As we were leaving we were talking to the lady at the counter. We learned that he was not, in fact, The Karaoke Guy, but rather just Some Random Guy who had been there since 6:00 that evening. He started off with a group for a party, then the party left and he stayed right there glued to that chair with the mic in his hand.

Rock on, obese karaoke dude, rock on.

And yay -- I hit 100 on my second game. I think that's only the second time in my life I've scored three digits.

Is it weird to be sore in the inner thighs after a night of bowling?