Thursday, June 29th

How to piss PPC off

music: Soulfly - Mars
mood: not enough caffeine

I have got to stop browsing MySpace, Blogger, and LJ. (See previous reaction). I'm coming to the conclusion that the Internet is being taken over by whiny emo kids.

It's sad, really. (Try to imagine this next part being spoken in a cranky old lady voice.) I remember back in the day when the only people you'd find in a chat room were articulate computer geeks. I remember the days before "l3375p34|<" and "txting". I remember real conversations on Usenet and IRC. I remember the days before everyone had a website.

It occurred to me the other day that this batch of kids born around 1990 and after don't know life without the Internet. I remember when if you wanted to do some journaling you'd go out and buy a real bound paper diary or, at the very least, a cheap spiral notebook.

I'm pretty sure I've mused about the early days of the Internet before, but these days I'm annoyed by a) people who pretend they have some kind of mental illness ("i'm OCD cuz i like candy n i haterz dirt lolol!") and b) people who really have mental illnesses and don't do anything about them except whine ("i wish i was dead omgwtf!").

I guess I'm bitter. Having dealt with real, actually-diagnosed-by-several-doctors mental illness my whole life (and having dealt with the effects of untreated mental illness in a family member), I take offense. And frankly, I don't want to hear how depressed some upper-middle-class kid is because his parents bought him the $1200 Alienware PC instead of the $2500 Alienware PC. I don't want to hear how some single mom former teen-pregnancy posterchild can't move out of her parents' house because she can't find a boyfriend who's willing to work so she can stay home and eat marshmallow fluff straight from the jar all day and watch Maury reruns and continue to ignore her child.

There's no personal responsibility in America anymore. I wonder if it's this bad in other countries?
PikaPikaChick on 06.29.06 @ 08:02 AM CST [link] [No Comments]

Wednesday, June 28th


music: Queensryche - Operation Mindcrime (it's my co-worker's)
mood: Mmmm

I come from Minneapolis, land of 10,000 independent coffeehouses. Given the choice between a Starbucks and a shoebox coffeehouse two blocks away, I'll take the shoebox every time. I don't like large corporations and avoid them when I can.

But out in the wild blue suburb I work in there is not an independent coffeehouse to be found. The closest lesser-of-two-evils, Caribou, is far enough away to be too annoying to drive to just for a simple cup of joe. There is, however, a Starbucks right up the road.

I may bitch about how Starbucks is The Man and evil corporate culture and whatnot, but god damn they make a great dark roast.
PikaPikaChick on 06.28.06 @ 07:11 AM CST [link] [No Comments]

Tuesday, June 27th

What the...

music: Tori Amos - Little Earthquakes
mood: confused

Oh Nabaztag, why do I want you so?
PikaPikaChick on 06.27.06 @ 01:29 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

Monday, June 26th

Now I understand

music: CSN - Teach Your Children
mood: aggrivated

I get why people bitch about other people bitching on the Intarrrrwebbbss. I just lost ten minutes of my life reading the most annoying thing I've ever read.

You know the type: "I'm so depreeeesssseeeeddddd! My life sssuuuuccckkkssss! Pay attention to meeeeeeee!"

Blah blah fucking blah.

Tom Cruise is wrong. Sometimes you just need to be medicated. Get some prozac, kids, and shut the fuck up.
PikaPikaChick on 06.26.06 @ 08:03 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

My new favorite song

music: Crosby, Stills, and Nash - Cathedral
mood: better Cathedral by Crosby, Stills, and Nash.
PikaPikaChick on 06.26.06 @ 07:50 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

Let me level

music: Crosby, Stills, and Nash - Wind on the Water
mood: horrified and nauseous

Let me start by saying that I think that PETA is a bunch of extremist whackos. I agree with their message against animal cruelty, but I also believe that humans are omnivores and I'm going to enjoy my steak and side salad, thank you very much.

I was doing a search on Myspace for Martha Stewart (don't ask) and came across this link.

I only made it about halfway through.

I couldn't just look away and listen, as Martha implores -- I had to turn it off. I felt like I was choking. I was crying. I almost vomited.

Please please please don't buy fur.
PikaPikaChick on 06.26.06 @ 07:36 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

I need need need this

music: Poe - Dolphin
mood: waking up

I've been holding off on buying an MP3 player because I just haven't found the one. I sure as hell don't want an iPod after seeing all the problems Dan any everyone I know who owns one have had with theirs. I was looking at Creative's line but they just don't ring my bell like I thought they would. iRiver is pretty nice, but kind of clunky. I want a flash player rather than a HD-based model because moving parts are no good if you happen to drop it or fall while skating or whatever.

But now I believe I have found my future MP3 player. I'm trying to figure out how much it's going to be.

In other news, It's Hello Kitty. And a llama. On a t-shirt.

Oh, and here's a sweet belt that costs way too much.

Here's quite possibly the coolest, nerdiest thing Sanrio has stuck their name on: the Hello Kitty bowling ball.

The Teacup birdfeeder that will soon be gracing my front yard.

I should really start skating.
PikaPikaChick on 06.26.06 @ 08:33 AM CST [link] [No Comments]

Friday, June 23rd


music: Kula Shaker - Hush
mood: exhausted

I passed my motorcycle riding test last night with flying colors. I just have to pay my fee at the DMV and I'll have my real, actual motorcycle endorsement. Woo! I was seriously stressing about the test last night, though.

I'm absolutely exhausted today. I've had precious little food or sleep in the last week. It's been get up, eat a little something for breakfast, go to work, maybe have time for some lunch, sit in traffic to Anoka, eat Lunchables, motorcycle class, drive 40 minutes home, try to fall asleep around 11:00 PM. It usually takes me about an hour to fall asleep. My alarm goes off at 5:45 AM.

Tonight after work I'll be skating at the Oval with the rest of the recruits, then we're all going to the bar and someone's house for a sleepover. Saturday I'll hopefully be able to get some actual rest, but I think Dan's sister's stepson's party is sometime that day. Then Sunday I'll be marching (skating, actually) in the Pride parade downtown and doing other Pride-related festivities.

I'm ready to pass out now.
PikaPikaChick on 06.23.06 @ 08:43 AM CST [link] [No Comments]

Friday, June 16th

Let me entertain you

music: none
mood: HIGHLY amused

I just had a CRAPPY week at work. I came home and was so stressed out I just started crying.

Here's what made me feel better:

A bunch of talking cats, including one who composed a poem about his johnson
Quite possibly the funniest thing I have ever seen a cat do (and I thought my cat made some pretty ridiculous noises).
PikaPikaChick on 06.16.06 @ 09:46 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

Thursday, June 15th

Ready to commence bad-assery

music: Green Apple Quick Step - (something)
mood: relieved

Guess who just got her motorcycle permit?
PikaPikaChick on 06.15.06 @ 01:59 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

Friday, June 9th

I'm so excited

music: John Parr - St. Elmo's Fire
mood: impatient

Transformers Movie

And this may or may not be an official CGI test from the filmmakers

PikaPikaChick on 06.09.06 @ 07:58 AM CST [link]

Thursday, June 8th


music: Dirty Vegas - Given You Everything
mood: Oh wow

I just walked into the breakroom to wash my dishes and almost shat my pants.

On the table was an issue of US. On the cover of that magazine was Janet Jackson. Half nude. And if you ignore the freakish softball-like ta-tas, the girl is HHHHOOOOTTTTT. Hot enough to justify multiple uppercase letters. That's pretty darn hot.

Now I'm having a hard time concentrating.
PikaPikaChick on 06.08.06 @ 01:25 PM CST [link]

Tuesday, June 6th

I almost spit spaghetti on my monitor

music: Everybody Wants to Rule the World
mood: highly amused

Emo hair

Best ever: "Is this (arrow arrow) how you want to be remembered?"

I was in tears.
PikaPikaChick on 06.06.06 @ 11:46 AM CST [link]

Saturday, June 3rd

Hell fuck yeah!

music: none
mood: motivated

I went skating at the Oval in Roseville last night. What a great place! I'll be returning there as often as I can. I was actually social last night too, which was a refreshing change. I always get so worked up about it if I think about beforehand, but thanksfully there are some really cool, really outgoing recruits who can pull me out of my shell. And get this -- I even went to a party last night. By myself. And had an excellent time.

There's another party right now but I'm not sure if we're going to make it. I've been landscaping the front yard all day with my mother-in-law (more social-ness!) and I'm dirty, tired, and sore. Tomorrow is Grand Ole Day and we have to pick up a washer and dryer and I have to fit in skating somewhere in there too.

Wanna know what it's like in my head right now? It's like WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
PikaPikaChick on 06.03.06 @ 09:03 PM CST [link]

Thursday, June 1st

The things I stumble into

music: Dead Can Dance - Arabian Gothic
mood: amused

I was doing a Google Image search for pictures of camels for a drawing and I stumble upon this little gem.

Err... maybe I'll turn SafeSearch back on for a little while.
PikaPikaChick on 06.01.06 @ 07:50 PM CST [link]