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06/28/2006: "Confession"

music: Queensryche - Operation Mindcrime (it's my co-worker's)
mood: Mmmm

I come from Minneapolis, land of 10,000 independent coffeehouses. Given the choice between a Starbucks and a shoebox coffeehouse two blocks away, I'll take the shoebox every time. I don't like large corporations and avoid them when I can.

But out in the wild blue suburb I work in there is not an independent coffeehouse to be found. The closest lesser-of-two-evils, Caribou, is far enough away to be too annoying to drive to just for a simple cup of joe. There is, however, a Starbucks right up the road.

I may bitch about how Starbucks is The Man and evil corporate culture and whatnot, but god damn they make a great dark roast.

Replies: 7 Comments

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