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01/03/2007: "The Glamorous Life"

music: Dillinger Four - D4 = Putting the F Back in Art
mood: tired

Yesterday: Went home, ordered Caffrey's. Went downtown to the team photoshoot at Candyland. Ate candy, acted silly, felt kind of maybe a little bit hot. Went to the Turf Club, drank one (no effect -- too much sugar in my system), got home at midnight.

Alarm went off at 6:00. I hit snooze until I had about 15 minutes to get out the door.

Man, FUCK that alarm.

I'm now at work with 5 hours of sleep under my belt, unwashed hair, and the makeup that didn't find its way onto my pillow. Sex-ay.

I've never been taught proper hair or makeup techniques by anyone so I've always had to wing it on occasions when it's been necessary to get gussied up. I was pretty happy with what I did last night with my eyes. I don't actually own a lot of makeup so I had to improvise a little bit with some lip gloss that will probably give me cancer on my eyelids or something, but at least I was able to tart it up for a night and feel good about it.

My favorite part of the evening: the doubletakes of people walking by the candy shop.