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01/02/2007: "Hard and soft weekend roundup"

mood: tired

Saturday: Went to the Northstar Rollergirls bout. Went to Scott & Heidi's and played Guitar Hero. Went to bed around 3:00.

Sunday: Slept until 11:00. Woke up, didn't get out of bed, watched TV for a while, fell asleep again until 4:00. Dragged self out of bed, packed up dogs and PS2, went to parents' house. Watched Twilight Zone. Crocheted for about 6 hours straight. Ate gyoza, eggrolls, and pickled daikon. Got sad about Dick Clark. Watched a bit of a Queen DVD, went to bed around 1:30.

Monday: Woke up much too early at 9:30. Family trip to Fleet Farm. Went to Michael's with stepmom. Bought yarn and crochet hooks. Did other miscellaneous shopping. Family trip for Mexican food at Maya Mexican. Drank a small peach margarita, got strangely drunk. Went back to parents' house, drank limoncello and vodka. Family Guitar Hero battle. Started crocheting a hat. Got sober, left husband and dogs at parents' house to continue Guitar Hero madness with dad, drove home. Fed cats, got in bed, started feeling REALLY bad. Somehow managed not to vomit on myself while tossing and turning. Fell asleep sometime around 12:30.

Tuesday: Alarm rang at 6:00. Woke up really cranky. Drove to gas station, forgot what side of the truck the gas tank is on, got pissed off, drove around the block and re-entered gas station on the correct side. Lost gas gift card, spoke many profanities, found gas gift card. Almost got into an accident outside of the Lowry Hill Tunnel. Realized that work laptop was still at home while exiting onto Highway 55 just outside of work. Many more profanities spoken. Found another laptop to set up admin tools on, found out that Citrix was down and our office's Internet circuit was down.

It's only 10:25 AM.