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08/24/2006: "My brain bleeds"

music: System of a Down - Lost in Hollywood
mood: annoyed

Me: *asks her if her VPN connection is up and running. She says it is.*
Me: "Ok, let's see if you can see the server. Go to Start, Run, and type two backslashes, which is the one above your enter key."
Her: *sounds of shuffling, pecking keys* "Oh, wait...." *shuffle, click* "backslash...backslash."
Me: "Did you find it?"
Her: "Yes. Backslash backslash. That's hard to say."
Me: "Yep. Okay. Now after those backslashes please type ABC hyphen SERVER zero one (\\ABC-SERVER01). So all in all you have backslash backslash ABC, hyphen, SERVER, the number zero, the number one. Then press enter or click OK."
Her: *clickyclicky* ........................................ *click click clickity* ........................................
Me: "Got it?"
Her: "All one word?"
Me: "All one word."
Her: "It says the network path was not found. Backslash backslash ABC zero one."
Me: "That's not right. It should be backslash backslash ABC hyphen SERVER zero one."
Her: "ABC SERVER one."
Me: "backslash backslash ABC hyphen SERVER zero one."
Her: "The network path was not found."
Me: "You have backslash backslash ABC hyphen SERVER zero one?"
Her: "....no."
Me: *headdesk*
Me: "Okay STOP. Erase what you've got in there. Now listen very carefully and type: backslash...backslash...A...B...C...hyphen...S...E...R...V...E...R...zero...one."
Her: "It's thinking.... nope. Not found."
Me: "Are you sure your VPN connection is running? Is the little gold padlock there by your clock?"
Her: "No, it's not there anymore!"
me: *shoots self in face*

For a moment there I forgot the Cardinal Rule of Technical Support: "Verily, thou shalt not take unto thine heart any words spoken by the Luser, for I say unto thee, their mouths spout naught but excrement." Hmph...Their brains are naught but excrement...

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