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11/29/2005: "Still on vacation"

music: Deva Premal - Gayatri Mantra
mood: sloth-like

Last week flew by. I honestly don't know what I did with myself the whole time. Now Tuesday is drawing to a close on my last week of vacation and I feel like I should have accomplished more than I have. I need to get off my ass and work on my comic but I haven't been very motivated lately for some reason. I played DDR for over an hour on Sunday night and I should really get back into that so I can lose a little weight while I have the time to do it. One good thing about this vacation is that I have been eating a LOT less than normal. I'll eat a little something in the morning, usually just some grits with a little butter and syrup, then I'm not really hungry until dinner. When I'm at work I have to eat breakfast, a snack, lunch, and another snack before I leave -- otherwise I'm a very cranky Pika.

I was at least a little productive today and cleared a space in the laundry room for our laundry sorter where it should have been all along: by the entrance. I found the trays for the cats' LitterMaid (which is a beautiful thing and I highly recommend it if you can afford it or convince someone to give it to you as a practical and thoughtful holiday gift) and I was finally able to throw out the skanky one that we've just been reusing over and over. The cats seem to have a bit more spring in their step now.

I also found the cookbooks that I've been looking for, which inevitably means more updates at my food blog.

And now... off shake my ass at DDR.