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11/27/2005: "Starting over"

music: Fleetwood Mac - The Chain
mood: refreshed

I was having so much trouble with Greymatter 1.3 that I decided to start over. I wanted to go to Movable Type but my ISP doesn't give me any database capability, those bastards. So now here I am at Greymatter 1.3.1 and everything seems to be functioning as it should. I don't have my webcam up yet and I'm debating about whether or not it will be making a comeback since I rarely turn the thing on anyway. I'll be making some tweaks here and there, especially on the comment/permalink pages, as they look like ass.

What became of all my past entries? I've deleted them. Ripped them away like a band-aid. I still have all the archives on my hard drive, but they won't be making it back to the Internet. Sorry if you were looking for something.

This blog has been going since 2002. It had to change sometime.

In other news, what do you think about my hanbok chicken?