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From The Dark cover

Nocturne books:















Michele Hauf














He is strong, sexy, and on a quest to fight his dark nature. Yet the one woman he most desires—is poison to him.

Hero: Michael Lynsay — vampire/lead singer for The Fallen

Heroine: Jane Renan — not-witch/glass smith

Dear Readers,

Well, it's been ten years since my first vampire romance, DARK RAPTURE, was published. Finally, I'm back to the vamps I love. This is not really a sequel to Dark Rapture, and yet it is. It's in the same world, it features the same rock n' roll scene the previous story took place in. But Michael Lynsay is on a quest. No, he's not one of those brooding vampires who curses his existance, but he is worried his dark desires will take him too far. How to control the descent into a darkness that is so compelling? And what if the one woman who can save him is actually poison to him?

You see, in my world, witches and vampires are enemies. Why? Well, it could have something to do with the fact that witch's blood works like acid to a vampire. One bite, and the vampire is ash. Not easy to have a relationship if you're worried the next love bite you give your lover could be your last.

I'll be posting excerpts and some fun 'missing scenes' from the story, so do stop by my own website to check that out.

It is so awesome to be writing vampires again. I hope you enjoy Michael and Jane's story. And maybe you'll walk the halls absently signing "Jane, Jane, Ja-ee-ane" (Jefferson Starship) when it's all done. Or at the very least, I wish you dreams of a tall, sexy blond vampire in tight suede pants and wearing a killer smile.



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