Tuesday, October 31st

President Bush: "Martial Law is A-OK!"

mood: LIVID

From Toward Freedom:

For the current President, "enforcement of the laws to restore public order" means to commandeer guardsmen from any state, over the objections of local governmental, military and local police entities; ship them off to another state; conscript them in a law enforcement mode; and set them loose against "disorderly" citizenry - protesters, possibly, or those who object to forced vaccinations and quarantines in the event of a bio-terror event.

The law also facilitates militarized police round-ups and detention of protesters, so called "illegal aliens," "potential terrorists" and other "undesirables" for detention in facilities already contracted for and under construction by Halliburton. That's right. Under the cover of a trumped-up "immigration emergency" and the frenzied militarization of the southern border, detention camps are being constructed right under our noses, camps designed for anyone who resists the foreign and domestic agenda of the Bush administration.

PikaPikaChick on 10.31.06 @ 01:02 PM CST [link]

Monday, October 30th


music: Some Eminem deal
mood: all over the place

I have a bike. It looks like this.

I have ridden it a grand total of three times. Let me tell you a story:

Dan, the bestest husband in the whole world, found a guy on Craigslist who was willing to take his project Camero in a straight-up trade for this bike. We went to Inver Grove Heights to make the swap Friday after work. I've never ridden at night before and I haven't ridden since motorcycle safety class this summer so I was a bit nervous, to say the least. After stalling out once (the clutch and brakes are REAL touchy) I picked it right back up in my test run. The bike is almost pristine. Tiny marks on the tank from an old windshield. Small rust hole in the right exhaust pipe. The carb is gummed up from not being ridden, but it runs fine with the choke at least half out.

Titles were signed, keys were exchanged, and thus began my adventure. My very nervous husband drove the truck behind me. Inver Grove Heights is about 30 minutes from Minneapolis. The seller said, "put some gas in it." Yup, no problem, will do. Too bad I missed the gas station because it was on the other side of the road from the on-ramp to Hwy 52. No problem, thinks I, I'll hit the gas station in Mendota Heights.

Five minutes later, just as I was approaching Robert Trail on Hwy 55 the bike just. stopped. accelerating. The oil light came on. I had run out of gas. Sweet. Dan stayed with the bike, I hopped in the truck and went to the gas station. I got a phonecall. It was my Dad. What was I doing, he asks. Having a motorcycle adventure, I reply. Where are you, he asks. 55 and Robert, I reply as I struggle to pay for my gas. Do you need us to come pick you up, he asks. Maybe. As I got back in the truck I had a horrible thought. What if it wasn't just lack of gas? What if it really was something more? I called my dad back and asked him to come out. It just so happened that they were in St. Paul anyway just about to turn on Robert. WEIRD.

Got back to the bike. Dan and I tried to lift it into the back of the truck, but that just wasn't going to happen. Parents arrived shortly after. Put gas in it. It was agreed that Burnsville was a lot closer than Minneapolis so we headed back to the parents' house.

Thoughts on riding a 450cc bike with no windshield in the dark and cold and wind:

  • Brr!

    But no worries. I picked it up yesterday and rode it home with no problem. I'm going to take the last run of the year today, then she's going to get a Sta-Bil toddy and a nice blanket to sleep under for the winter.
    PikaPikaChick on 10.30.06 @ 01:15 PM CST [link]

  • Friday, October 20th

    The death of Habeus Corpus

    mood: livid


    For those who are unable/unwilling to watch the video, Habeus Corpus gave Americans the right to know why you are being imprisoned if taken into custody and the right to a fair trial.

    Your president just signed a law that takes those rights away based on his whim and fancy. Your president can now deem anyone he chooses, for any reason, an "enemy combatant," throw them in prison with no explanation, and toss in a little torture for good measure. Geneva Convention? He don't need no stinking Geneva Convention.

    So what are we, the people, going to fucking do about this? Why aren't we marching in the streets?

    See you in Gitmo, indeed.

    (Dummies version) from Minimum Security
    PikaPikaChick on 10.20.06 @ 09:36 AM CST [link]

    Thursday, October 12th

    Pure Evil

    music: Slipknot - Duality
    mood: evilly amused

    There was a guy in the break room by the coffee machines. I watched him out of the corner of my eye as he struggled with a packet of coffee. It's the kind of bag with the little notch at the top that you pull at to tear the bag open. He was obviously having a hard time with this and kept using his teeth and only managed to rip away little bits of the seam.

    I could have told him that there was a pair of scissors in the drawer directly in front of him.

    But I didn't.
    PikaPikaChick on 10.12.06 @ 02:19 PM CST [link]


    music: Madonna - Justify My Love
    mood: full

    I am not, by nature, a social person. I never got over that irritating childhood shyness. Being a RollerGirl has forced me to attempt a complete personal 180 that has been strange and good and bad and hard these last 6 months or so. I'm trying really hard to actually trust people. I'm not sure I've ever been able to do that and I'm not sure if I'll ever be good at it. It's one of the ways I deal with my natural doormat personality.

    Some days are tough. I'll go to practice and hardly say a word. Some days I'll get all fired up and talk and overanalyze everything that comes out of my mouth and get super self-conscious and go back to not talking again.

    Blah blah, self esteem, blah blah, social anxiety.

    It's nice to be in the company of females again. Nice, but WEIRD. I've had mostly male friends, acquaintences, and roommates since the 7th grade.

    Not sure where I'm going with this here. If you know me personally, I apologize for being so socially awkward. I probably won't look into your eyes (I've never done that, not sure why, probably won't start any time soon -- don't take it personally) and I'm really not staring at your chest (I'm short and that's where my eyes naturally fall and I don't even realize it most of the time) and yes, I stutter a bit from time to time (like, Porky Pig style) because my mouth can't keep up with my brain. I have a hard time popping names off the top of my head so I may say "hi there," instead of, "hi [your name]."
    PikaPikaChick on 10.12.06 @ 12:34 PM CST [link]

    Monday, October 9th

    Might have to buy it

    music: Clair De Lune - Machinegun Lipstick
    mood: tired

    If you haven't seen or heard Weird Al's "White and Nerdy," you should do that now. RIGHT NOW.

    I got a little excited when I noticed that that really was Seth Green by the action figures. Honestly, I don't know what's up with my crush on that guy.

    Just for kicks, I checked out the video of the song Weird Al is parodying. And don't tell anyone... but I kinda liked it.

    I really liked that hottie in the red boob sling toward the end. Dang.
    PikaPikaChick on 10.09.06 @ 08:43 AM CST [link]

    Friday, October 6th

    Let me break it down for you

    music: Poe - Dolphin
    mood: appalled

    Listen to me.

    The restroom is a no talking zone. It is also a no eye contact zone.

    Speed is of the essence here, folks. Get in, get it done, wash your hands, leave. Greeting new arrivals by name makes everyone uncomfortable.

    If someone has just left a stall and there is another stall open, do not use the recently vacated one. Lingering odors are another source of restroom shame.

    Do not, under any circumstances, use a stall directly adjacent to an occupied stall unless you have no choice.

    We're all in this together.
    PikaPikaChick on 10.06.06 @ 04:48 PM CST [link]


    music: Hot Water Music - Remedy
    mood: giddy

    I am now officially Kim Jong Kill of the Dagger Dolls. Fear me!
    PikaPikaChick on 10.06.06 @ 04:30 PM CST [link]

    Monday, October 2nd

    A lovely day

    music: Bonnie Pink - Perfect Sky
    mood: mellow

    It was 85 degrees today. We took the dogs to the dog park for the third day in a row. Watched planes take off and land. The Twins are in the playoffs. I fit into my "target shorts," the pair of shorts that I've been keeping in the closet with the tags still on for a year because my ass was too fat to squeeze into them. All in all it was a pretty nice day.

    Except for the fact that the dog just farted right next to me.
    PikaPikaChick on 10.02.06 @ 09:30 PM CST [link]