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10/19/2007: "Friday again"

music: Oprah
mood: mellow

Friday Fiver

1. What makes you feel exposed?
Any more than two people looking at me.

2. What do you have to force yourself to do?
Take a deep breath and try to take the attention off myself.

3. Where do you like to spend your time outdoors?
Anywhere outdoors in nature. I like beaches, jungles, forests, mountains, fields, deserts, whatever.

4. What surprises you?
My appetite.

5. Friday fill-in: Late at night I'm .
Sleeping badly.


Alt Friday Five

1. When you're feeling stuck on an issue in your life, do you prefer avoidance or immersion to deal with it?
Avoidance for a long time, then immersion.

2. Do you like to talk to friends and/or loved ones about issues that are up in your life?

3. Do you have techniques that work best for dealing with this sort of thing?
I wish.

4. When you're working on something big, does it consume you to a degree that you can't think of anything else, or can you easily put it aside to focus on other things from time to time?
I think I have ADD sometimes. I need to jump around from topic to topic.

5. Can you tell right away when you've reached resolution on an issue, or does it take a while to sink in that you've found your solution?
It depends on the situation.


Friday Five

1. Name five favorite movies.
Fight Club
12 Monkeys
Natural Born Killers

2. Name four areas of interest you became interested in after you were done with your formal education.
I never really completed my formal education, but....
Real Estate Agent (the horror!)
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer

3. Name three things you would change about this world.
Human rights for ALL humans

4. Name two of your favorite childhood toys.
My Legos and my Nintendo.

5. Name one person you could be handcuffed to for a full day.
My husband.