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09/23/2007: "Have to write now"

music: MJ
mood: introspective...or something

I'm getting old.

Ever since watching What the Bleep - Down the Rabbit Hole I've made a point of "creating my day." Basically you take some time in the morning and meditate or use an affirmation to set the tone of the day. I even have an RSS subscription to the Think Positive! Blog and I write my daily affirmation on a piece of paper that I put on my desk where I can see it throughout the day.

I feel silly but goddamn if it doesn't actually work.

I've felt that old depression trying to come back into my brain lately and this, along with taking my children's chewable vitamin and getting some sun each day, has really been keeping it at bay. I've really got to get a new full spectrum bulb form my lamp before SAD kicks in.

I've also been exercising like crazy. I need to get faster and stronger this derby season. I'm already feeling the results. YouTube is AWESOME for exercise videos, by the way. I did a 10 minute arm workout the other day that kicked my ass.

I don't know how to feel about the Jena 6 situation. It's like a fever breaking on a much larger illness. It makes me sad.

Another thing that makes me sad: using the word "gay" as an insult.