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07/24/2007: "In which PPC nearly ends up in Saint Paul"

music: Tori Amos
mood: chill

Over a week down at the new job. So far so good. A little disorganized, but good. I haven't run into any crazy people downtown or on the bus yet but when I do I'll let you know.

Note to self: go shopping for "business casual"!

Damn you, bus 23 with no letter designation. You almost took me to Saint Paul.

Damn you, Metro Transit, for not having a way for the LRT to take my stored value bus card. I mean, seriously, WTF.

Damn you, tiny spider, for crawling over my shoulder just now.

Icky spider.


For those of you who don't have gardens in which to grow your own tomatoes, you have no idea what you're missing.