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06/15/2007: "Blood on the pillow"

music: Amy Winehouse
mood: ow

So there I was, snug and content in my bed. Dan's cat, Grady, was curled up on half of my pillow right next to my head.

I was startled out of sleep by the crash of the front plate of our window air conditioner hitting the floor. I felt pressure, then intense pain around my left eye. Then something wet. I ran into the bathroom and saw a gory mess on my face. Blood everywhere. There was a scratch on my lower eyelid, my upper eyelid, a couple on the bridge of my nose, and three on my hand. While I was flushing the blood out of my eye with water my upper eyelid hurt way more than it should have. My eyelids kind of disappear when my eyes are open because I'm half Korean and the entire area was swollen so I had to do some prying to inspect. My eyelid was lacerated almost completely through. I went into mild shock. The last time I saw that much of my insides I needed seven stitches above my knee.

My eye is still swollen halfway shut today. It looks like I got thrown down a flight of stairs.