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05/17/2007: "Changes"

music: none
mood: procrastinatey

I (and Dan!) have made some fairly significant changes in our lifestyle over the last few months and I'd like to record them here for posterity.

  • We're sort-of vegetarians.
    Why? We have different reasons. For both of us it's a health thing. We've moved on from the "meat as the main event" way of thinking. I've made my own seitan now (with real whole-wheat flour, not that sissy wheat gluten flour) so I feel like I've really crossed that vegetarian line. I'm not sure when/if I'll ever go back to meat again. The last small amount I had caused much pain and toilet time. If I do I'll be eating more realistic portion sizes. Nothing larger than a deck of cards. I've also started paying a lot more attention to the welfare of factory-farm animals. When I think about the conditions they're in it makes me ill. Then there's also the environmental and economic impact of eating meat. I'm not going to be joining PETA or becoming a vegan anytime soon, but I've taken pause to consider my actions.

  • No plastic grocery bags allowed
    They're being banned left and right anyway. Their environmental impact is impossible to ignore. I'm planning on sewing my own reusables. In the meantime it's paper, please. We've started keeping paper bags in my car so when we go to the store we just take them with us and reuse them until they fall apart.

  • Looking into biodiesel
    I saw these at the Living Green expo a few weeks ago and was very surprised (and impressed) by how affordable the actual kit is. It's something we need to work up to though. We need to insulate and heat the garage (or mow it down and build a new one... or move) and buy diesel vehicles. We're considering pitching the idea to several friends, neighbors, and family and creating a biodiesel co-op of sorts.

  • No more pirating music
    I just felt bad about it. I don't listen to mass-produced radio rock anyway.

  • Becoming more self-sufficient
    Looking more into survivalism, but not in the scary hide-in-a-hole-and-wave-guns-around kind of way. I don't have, nor do I want, any firearms. Check out ReallyReady.org