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07/07/2006: "A proud moment"

music: none
mood: exhausted

I dove headfirst into my first real home maintenance and repair project the other day. We had a slow leak of you-know-what at the base of the toilet. I had to replace the crumbling wax ring.

Let me tell you what a little bit of terrific that job is.

Couldn't find a putty knife so I used a big screwdriver. I have no idea how I'm going to clean it. I may just soak it in a vat of WD-40 and hope for the best. I had to wash my hands every few minutes and in the end the sink had this sticky brown film all over it that I still haven't managed to completely clean off.

My dad and husband had to put the toilet back on its bolts in the end because I am small and didn't want to crack the tank or anything. Meanwhile during my wax and sewage scraping adventure they were taking measurements on the house so we can start planning our basement remodel.

Basement. Remodel.

It all seems so overwhelming. But at least our toilet works.