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05/23/2006: "Breaking the chain"

music: none
mood: tired but motivated

I am freewriting. I have been so busy and so stressed out lately that I haven't been able to do much of anything creative. My comic sits undrawn, my skin is unadorned with henna, and I've got a toolbox full of paint and a bunch of empty canvas staring at me.

Work sucked today and I don't know if it was me being overly sensitive or if the combination of things that happened really were out of the ordinary. I just know that I exercised a great deal of restraint today when someone was talking down to me and making accusations in a not-so-subtle way via email. I simply deleted the emails and moved on. In hindsight I probably should have kept them to re-read them later when my emotions were calmed down. They could be useful in talking to my boss about this guy if things keep going they way they started going today. Unfortunately there's one thing I hate and that is a cluttered Exchange mailbox. I try to keep mine as manicured as I can.

We're having family over tomorrow for Dan's birthday dinner. I hope I haven't forgotten anything.

Gotta keep writing. This is only about 200 words. I'd like to have at least 500 here.

We're going to Duluth this weekend and doing it properly, as opposed to going up Friday night and coming back Sunday morning like I did last weekend. That just doesn't leave enough time to get anything accomplished, including relaxation. Last weekend I was supposed to be initiated into the Women of the Moose (that being the Loyal Order Of) but people didn't have their shit together and they called it off. I don't understand why I couldn't be initiated like my dad and husband were: step into the back office, take an oath, shake hands, receive membership card, drink tokens, and moose pin. The women have to go through this big ceremony where there are silly hats and reading of passages involved. It's way more of a production than the men get, and it's their damn organization. So I wait. I've been waiting for like a year now.

361 words. I should really be studying for my MCSA, but it's going to be really hard now that the IT budget was frozen and Ican't take my training course as originally planned. Now I have to rely on my own will and determination to study on my own, and I've let myself down many times in the past. Not to mention that all my old MCSE materials that sort of apply to MCSE are outdated Windows 2000 versions.

Gah, I'm going to go study now.