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05/05/2006: "I'm too young for this"

music: Rocket From The Crypt - Ditchdigger
mood: yay Friday yay

Went to my parents' house last night to pick up a screen tent for Sunday's festivities. We ended up standing around for a few hours and talking. As we were leaving I noticed that my right knee was hurting a little bit like when you stand in one place for too long. No big deal, we were standing in the kitchen for about 3 hours and I'm not used to being on my feet for that long. I'm not lazy, I'm a computer tech.

Woke up this morning around 4:00 with a charlie horse. I was able to grit my teeth and plow through it with the mantra of "point your toes! Point your toes!" When I got out of bed this morning and walked to the bathroom I noticed a sharp pain in my knee. Stinkin' arthritis.

It didn't get really bad until I went down the first few stairs to the basement. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. I ended up doing this gimpy little straight-leg limping shimmy down the rest of the way.

Bending my leg in any way, such as sitting down in a chair or getting into the car is extremely painful right now.

Stupid arthritis.