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05/01/2006: "Lurker no more"

mood: angry

Maybe you're aware of this particular Intarwebs shitstorm. Normally I don't bother with this kind of tripe but this time I made myself involved. The more I read and the more I thought about it, the more I couldn't just sit on the sidelines.

Some anonymous "James" replied to my comment. I was going to reply right back but I know that I'm not going to be able to change his or anyone else's mind on the subject when the dander is up so high right now.

So I'm going to put some of my thoughts here instead. Go ahead. Call me a coward. I dare you.

Using the same line of logic that "James" is using, I give you this:


That's it, from now own I claim my Swedishness to be my ONE TROO CULTURE XD !!!!1 I'm going home tonight and throwing away all my anime tapes, DVDs, and soundtracks. I better get rid of my Dance Dance Revolution game and pads and I certainly can't ever play Katamari Damaci ever again. Time to get rid of all my husband's hip-hop CDs. Damn, I really liked that Brother Ali disc, too, but he's black AND Muslim AND albino. I have to throw away all my kimchi, rice, and seaweed and replace it with lingonberries, herring, and reindeer meat.

And HOW DARE YOU ALL SHOP AT IKEA?!!!111??! You can't possibly understand the plight of the Swedish just because you bought affordable and well-constructed yet stylish homegoods! STOP STEALING MY CULTURE! YOU CULTURE THIEVES! MINE MINE MINE MINE