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03/27/2006: "Insanity"

music: none
mood: WTF

Several times a year I get this wild hair to go back to school. Then I snap out of it and come back down to the real world.

This time, though, I'm thinking more seriously about it. The thing is, it wouldn't make any sense.

What do I want to go back to school for? Is it microbiology, like in my childhood dreams? Is it animal science, so I could work at a zoo? Is it computer science, to further my current career?

No, no, and no.

I want a master's degree in comparative religion.

And what, you may be asking, does a person do with a master's degree in comparative religion?

Not a damn thing. At least from what I can tell. They may write books. They may become a college professor and teach other comparative religion students. It's just like getting a degree in art history or philosophy, and just as practical.

But I craaaaaave this stuff. Somewhere along the line of my life I'm going to have to drop this need to be practical and fruegal and efficient ALL THE TIME and follow my dreams.

Eh... after I win the lottery.

Replies: 1 Comment

on Wednesday, April 5th, Epoch said

comparative religion...huh. cool stuff.