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03/24/2006: "Friday again"

music: whatever mid-tempo alt girl rock this coffee shop is playing right now
mood: frustrated

Friday Five

1) Of the various cultures, ethnicities or nationalities you belong to, which most strongly do you consider yourself?

I'm 50% Korean and 50% Caucasian. I can't claim one over the other; that just doesn't make sense. It's a point of frustration on those "check one" equal opportunity forms you have to fill out when you apply for a job.

2) Is there a culture you cannot claim heritage from but which you feel quite close to?

Pacific Islander. I'm meant to live on a tropical island.

3) What's one language you wish you knew fluently?


4) If you could move anywhere in the world and be guaranteed a job, etc., where would you go?

Guam. I've been over this before.

5) If you had a time machine, and could witness any one event without altering or disturbing it, what would you want to see?

The exact moment of the Buddha's enlightenment.


Friday Fiver

1. When is the last time you became unraveled?

Today. In a courtroom. On the inside.

2. What's the longest trip you've taken?

My family went to South Korea in 1987. I think the plane ride was around 20 hours.

3. Who is the biggest distraction in your life?


4. Do people notice you when you walk into a room?

Probably, but not for any good reason. No, I'm probably just paranoid.

5. Describe the last time you disappointed someone:

It probably happens every day at work.


Alt Friday Five

1. Have you ever volunteered or would you volunteer for military service? Why or why not?

Hell fuck no. Because I'm a pacifist. There is no reason for war.

2. What would you do if you were drafted? Why?

If my escape to Canada didn't work out I would be a conscientious objector.

3. If you did join the armed forces, which branch would you want to join? What sort of position would you want to hold?

I would like to be a Navy Pilot, I guess.

4. Does your country have mandatory military service? What is your opinion of mandatory service?

No. I am vehemently against it.

5. Are any of your friends or family in the armed forces? How do you feel about that (proud, scared, indifferent, etc.)?

My dad was in the Army and National Guard. My grandpa was in the National Guard. My great uncle was in the Marines. I am indifferent to their life choices.