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03/20/2006: "Whine"

music: Rocket From the Crypt - Burnt Alive
mood: cranky

This is my first ear infection so I am particularly whiny right now.

The pain. The paaaaaiiiinnnnn.

I'm currently slamming Excedrin, Tylenol, or whatever I can get my hands on, every few hours. I'll be happy if I have any stomach lining left after this ordeal.

Yesterday we were eating breakfast and the pain froze me and actually brought tears to my eyes. The poor waitress probably thought I was having a stroke.

I'm used to pain. I'm in pain all the damn time. That's just part of living life with IBS. But this is ridiculous.

I've been on antibiotics since last week. Shouldn't this be going away by now?

I won't let this deter me from working on Frontside Bus. I promise.

Also: MN Rollergirls have a bout this Friday. Come on down and say hi! I'll be volunteering again.