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01/05/2006: "Here we go"

music: none
mood: frustrated

I'm on my second try of installing Ubuntu on an old system. The first time it stuck before loading the partitioner.

Oooh...wait -- success! It's partitioning now.

I've installed Fedora on a junk computer at that place I hang out for 9 hours every day. I haven't had much chance to play around with it yet. I'm trying to learn Linux in the only way I know how: from the ground up. I started with what I thought would be a simple thing, that is, simply install a different screensaver. This, my friends, is not as simple as it should be. I have to put a C compiler on there somewhere and then actually compile code, something I have never attempted before. Unless you count rendering POV-Ray code way back in the dark ages.

Holy crap, POV-Ray is still kicking. And it still basically works the same! Oh my, I just may have to give that a download for old times' sake. Let me present to you, dear readers, the pinnacles of my raytracing career. No wonder I'm not working for Pixar right now. Those are circa 1994, by the way. That was high fucking tech for a 14-year-old.

Oh yeah, I was a bit morbid and depressed back then. Obviously.

So anyway, Linux. I have to go dig out my Linux for Dummies book now and nerd out while the boys watch hockey in the living room. I'm just sad that I have to do it sans vodka at this point, as I finished off the tiny bit that was left in the bottle with the rest of our sour. I fucked up my back and arm right good hauling our new (old) couch up our front stairs. Two extra-strength Tylenols did nothing. Perhaps I should take a quick hike out to Rhode Island.