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12/22/2005: "Of hormones and the season"

music: none
mood: weepy

So OBVIOIUSLY I'm not a religious person in the "normal" sense of the word in today's America. I'm not of the Judeo-Christian persuasion. Heck, I'm not even Wiccan. I've got my thing and it works for me. This time of year means only time to be spent with family and friends and being a bit more generous than usual. Yule means the days start getting longer and the idea of the Sun King being born anew is a lovely thought.

Having said that, the combination of my increased holiday delight due to a lack of retail employment and my fresh Ortho Evra patch made this bring tears to my eyes. Young man with the mohawk, you rock. No, that doesn't do you justice. You fucking rock so hard it's crazy.

Happy end of December, everyone.