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12/18/2005: "Love and hate"

music: The Pillows - I Think I Can
mood: utterly neutral

First of all, let me begin by saying FUCK CARTOON NETWORK FOR NOT PLAYING FOOLY COOLY ANYMORE. As usual, a TV network stops playing one of the most progressive, funny, provocative, and entertaining shows and replaces it with more reruns of the mediochre and, dare I say, derivative, "Family Guy." Now Dan and I will have to get our fix by tracking down the DVDs. Or I'll have to download them. SEE WHAT YOU'RE MAKING ME DO, ADULT SWIM?

Second of all, the graphics card in my computer hates The Sims 2. Haaaaates it.

Third of all, cosmopolitans on a Sunday night are fantastic.

Fourth of all, there is a very small kitty here who is showings a budding interest in computers, or at least people who sit in front of computers. Observe: