On Saturday, March 27, 1999, the Very Capable, Ever-Popular Kenny (Sodbuster) Jay sponsored his second annual charity event to help raise money for the Histiocytosis Association of America. Our band, TREAD, was asked to provide the musical entertainment for the evening. We were honored. Besides being a part of a very good cause, we had the opportunity to meet many American Wrestling Association celebrities, most of which are known worldwide.

Below you can see a cross section of the evening including celebrities, band, family, and more. Vern Gagne, Mad Dog Vachon, and others told many wonderful stories. Folks seemed to enjoy the music and a good time was had by all. Plans are already underway for next year's event. It is always a pleasure meeting people you have seen over the years either at ringside or on television.

Besides the wrestlers, announcers and referees present, we had our own local Hollywood stuntman live and in person. It was special meeting Ky Michaelson again. Known as Rocketman, Ky, has worked in many films with Burt Reynolds and was the right-hand man of the late Dar Robinson--one of the most well known and daring of all contemporary stuntmen.

Update: Since this was originally posted, we have performed in all but one of the Kenny Jay spring Histiocytosis fundraisers. In addition, we have been involved in two of his fall fundraisers which have taken place at the American Legion in Northfield, Minnesota.

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