the sine wave
May 2003

Too lazy
I'm too lazy to do a real update this month.  I'm actually writing this in July, and I don't want to talk about everything that happened in May as if it's happening now.  It would just be too much to talk about.  Well, okay, I guess I can tell a little bit about what happened at the Earth Day celebration.  It's a really interesting story, and I probably won't be able to tell the whole thing, but I suppose I can try.  No, there really isn't enough time to tell the whole thing, but I guess I can start by saying that on Earth Day, there were a bunch of tables out there on Library Mall, and I went up to this one table and they wanted me to sign a petition for the release of some political prisoners somewhere.  You know what?  I really don't think I'll have enough time to tell the whole story, so let's just say that a swarm of bees interrupted my talk with the guy at the table about the petition, and I ended up running into the lake.  Maybe I can go into some more detail about the specific order of events, and my feelings about them, but I really don't think it's possible to go into it in really excruciating detail because there's just not enough time for me to tell a big story like that.  Maybe someday, after Azenera is done and I finally learn to be a good, decent human being, I'll tell the tale of how I was chased into the lake by a swarm of bees on Earth Day.  But that probably won't happen in your lifetime, or even at all.  It's a shame, though, because that story really is interesting and it would have won me a bunch of awards for sure, but I just don't have the time or patience to tell it.  Maybe someday I will.  Or not.  We'll see.

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