the sine wave
May 2002

I have returned
Well, I'm back.  I didn't do daily updates this month, but I'll try to start them in June.  Lately I've been busy with Azenera, of course, and I also got the game Morrowind.  At first I couldn't get Morrowind to work with my Radeon video card because the drivers were old and the latest official ones wouldn't install, but then I found some unofficial drivers that were up to date and now the game works fine.  I'm really enjoying the game and it seems like there's a larger variety of things to do than in the previous Elder Scrolls games.  The world is smaller in size, but it's not randomly generated so there's really a greater variety of quests and settings than in the previous games.  In Daggerfall, it seemed like all the dungeons were huge labyrinths made out of different arrangements of all the same parts, and the towns were the same way, and the landscape just wasn't worth walking around on because there was nothing on it except a few trees and the occasional enemy, and all the quests involved either finding something in a dungeon, killing something in a dungeon, guarding a building from enemies who would never fail to show up, or delivering something to someone in another town.  In Morrowind, the game starts out with the chance to investigate the disappearance of a tax collector in the first town, and later on you can take on tasks such as convincing people to join the Mages' Guild, helping a woman find a bandit she fell in love with, freeing slaves from caverns, and finding an animal someone saw in a vision.  Sometimes one quest will interfere with another and you'll have to choose your allegiances.  There's no fast travel option like there is in Daggerfall, but you can ride silt striders and boats between towns, or you can see what you find on the path between towns.  If you walk around the landscape, you'll find lots of mushrooms and plants you can collect and a few enemies to fight and improve your battle skills.
The story on Azenera level 4
It's been years since I started working on Azenera, and I'm not even finished with level 4!  I plan on having a total of 14 levels when the whole thing is finally complete, and I've come up with a general plan for each level, but the hard part is turning those plans into a reality.  But still, I must finish this thing someday, even if it takes me 10 years.  I've finished all the landscape stuff on level 4 and I'm partway through the textures, and then I'll just have to place all the objects and the level will be complete!

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