the sine wave
September 2001

- 9 -
No sympathy at all
The August entries have been on the front page of this site for a while, and no one has written me expressing sympathy for how I was supposedly so cruelly censored and deprived of my freedom of expression on the 14th and 15th.  It was, of course, just a bunch of silly anticlimactic rambling, but then again, so was Words of Fire and I got sympathy e-mails for that.  Was the Panera thing more obviously a joke, or did I just cry wolf one too many times for the sarcasm-impaired to even care?  Did the revelation of my complaint's utter triviality in the first entry make it less suspenseful?  Or was there just nobody reading my site on those days because there hadn't been any Azenera-related information lately and everyone was bored?  These are questions for the ages, my friends.  I just know that someday I'm truly going to feel like I'm being censored, and nobody will believe me because I've been mocking that kind of self-martyrdom too much.

- 8 -
Registries and Registration
Shareware time limit features are becoming more and more intricate as people learn how to get around them.  I remember the days of old shareware programs, where the number of days remaining or the registration date was stored in a simple .ini file, and you could just go in there with a text editor and change it.  Now programs use much more complicated methods.  The downloadable shareware version of Bejeweled, for example, stores the information for the number of times played in the registry.  But here's the trick: if you just go into the registry and try to change the number, it'll check the registry entry against a file called Popcinfo.dat, which is placed in the Windows directory when you run the Bejeweled shareware version.  If the registry entry has been changed and Popcinfo.dat hasn't been changed or deleted, the count for the number of times played will be changed to 100, which is the maximum number allowed before you are required to register.  Try to cheat the system, and the system punishes you.  It's a clever way to discourage people from trying to crack the program.

- 7 -
Writing before the fact
I have binges.  It's kind of like bulimia, but without the puking and it's not as life-threatening and serious.  What I mean is, when it comes to things that can be done pretty easily, I can get things done in short bursts.  Also I eat too much chocolate and that's why I always look fat in these pants, but that's a matter for a different day... anyway, the reason you're not seeing anything about Azenera here is because although I have been working on it, thank you very much, I'm writing all these entries before the days they represent because I want to have a few free days from it.  I'm just like a little kid sometimes with my short attention span, impulsiveness, and unpredictable hyperactivity.  A little kid, but scarier.

- 6 -
Apathy is not enough - go, go, Political Mockery
It's not enough just to not care about the issues.  I say that because it just makes me bored, that's all.  There's much more pleasure to be had in mocking the issues than not caring because it's "edgy" and cool to mock stuff, at least according to places like the Something Awful forums.  Actually there are plenty of people who mock political issues and they do a much better job at it because they actually care to study the nuances of them all, unlike me, so I'll have to come up with a new idea.  Just give me a few days...

- 5 -
The Political Apathy Movement
Everyone has an opinion these days, it seems.  Liberals, conservatives, moderates, and others are down to arguing over trivial issues while being all self-conscious about which side is in vogue these days.  At least that's what it seems like reading message boards and web sites like  The problem is that no one speaks for those of us who do not care to speak, probably because they don't care either.  These sites make it look like there's much more debate going on everywhere, and it's totally not like real life because most people are just trying to go about their lives and don't care about issues at all.  To properly reflect this, I propose setting up a huge Political Apathy Movement, where several journalists talk about how much they don't care about what's going on in the world.  All issues will be addressed with a simple, resounding Whatever.  Then we will let the world know how many of us there are who are, for the most part, apathetic to most issues.  Or maybe we won't, I don't really care about this either.  By the way, it seems to be libertarianism that's in vogue these days, and that could very well be a good thing, at least for computer gamers like me because they seem to be the only ones who aren't blaming video games for moral decline or school shootings or whatever is the demon of the week.

- 4 -
-h/=/-h+ -h" 7,_7"/|!!!
=,+,-/_7" -h" /-7,"-h:/- /=/"/-,|-", /=//:/--]!!!  All right, I'll stop it and just type in English.  It seems the firewall here is more selective about games than I imagined.  I can start a server and play on it just fine, but the problem happens when I try to connect to other servers.  It just doesn't work.  At least this is better than not being able to play games at all, but I don't want to have to run a server all the time just to play multiplayer games.  It seems to work if I try to join other games while running my server at the same time, but it has been very shaky.

- 3 -
A test of skill
As part of my Japanese review, I'm going to attempt to write out all 46 katakana characters in ASCII text.  Here goes: |7  /|  "7  I  ,+  -h  =|=  /7  /-,  _7  +|-  :/  7,  t+  '/  /=/  -T-  "/  ,=  |-  +  =  -7,  7|,  /  /\  t  7  ^  ,+,  ,7  =`  /-  X  -L-  +7  _7_  -]  =,  |/  /\_  L  []  '7  -7  -/  There!  Okay, it looks terrible, and there's no real way to write katakana like this.  Even script kiddies trying to imitate hackers wouldn't use it.  But that doesn't stop me!  7,=`,7t+-/!

- 2 -
What a day
Today I went canoeing on Lake Mendota.  There were speedboats and jet skiers out there, and they made a lot of waves.  I didn't tip over like I did in Utah, but it was close.  After that I went back to my dorm, and then I went to a tailgate party where I learned all the football cheers and stuff, and then forgot them because I won't really need them because I don't usually go to football games.  Classes are coming up in a few days, and I have to review for Japanese.

- 1 -
Just as I suspected
My suspicions are confirmed.  I can't get FTP access to my server again, because of the firewall.  Online multiplayer games, like Drakan deathmatch, aren't working either.  Maybe this time I should ask the people running the systems here for a way past the firewall.  Anyway, I've had a few setbacks, but everything's working pretty smoothly so far.  My roommate is having a bit more trouble because he can't get his computer to connect to the network, probably because of a software or driver problem, but it also might be because the ResNet system here is faulty.  Download speeds are adequate, not as fast as they could be for a T1 line but much faster than my old 56K modem.  I downloaded the Arcanum demo, which is 250MB, in an hour.
Loco locals
There's a local cable access station here called WYOU, on channel 4, and a few nights ago I happened upon it by accident and saw some really weird stuff.  They had run out of original material, so they were playing a song that consisted of only the words "If it's Christmas then it's Christmas and I'm happy" repeated over and over again at different frequencies, played over images of a singing bearded guy, the power plant on campus, and a bad computer animation of a humanoid figure with one of its leg and arm lines moving around.  Then they switched over to a demonstration of where all the chakras are on a statue of a human body, with the sound occasionally interrupted by the Christmas happy song.  I think I'm going to pay a bit more attention to channel 4 to see just how deep the madness goes.

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